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Key to Good Sleep & Happiness

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Key to Good Sleep and Happiness: Comfortable, Durable and Pocket Friendly Mattress

Why a good mattress is so important to your sleep


A good mattress is crucial in achieving good back health. Finding the right mattress that will give you a great night’s sleep involves getting both the right support as well as the right comfort level. There are many factors that affect back pain and how you sleep, but a good mattress is proven to make a positive difference – and if you have the wrong mattress for you (or your once-suitable mattress is now old and tired) – you may be aggravating your pain.

Beware of the wrong mattress

If your mattress doesn’t provide you with the right support for your body by reinforcing poor sleeping posture, then it is the wrong mattress for you. If a mattress doesn’t meet your personal preferences then your comfort is compromised, resulting in interrupted sleep that can leave you feeling tired and sore in the morning. All mattresses will eventually decline in their support, so you should consider replacing your mattress every 8 to 10 years.


Bedrooms are made for a specific purpose–facilitating sleep and rest. A bedroom’s environment should be conducive enough for a sufficient and sound nighttime sleep. To ensure that you’ll attain good sleep every night, you should keep your sleeping environment safe, comfortable, and inviting.

While many people don’t pay much attention to their mattresses, it’s, in fact, a piece of essential sleeping equipment in your bedroom that can heavily affect your daily life.

To convince you, take a look at some of the benefits of having a good mattress to sleep on:


1. Achieve Adequate, Quality Night-time Sleep

Topping off this list is the key advantage of having a good mattress from a bad one–getting a tight sleep, rest, or nap every time. Depending on the mattress type you have, they can either offer pressure point relief, back support, or both, while making you feel like you’re on cloud nine.

A good mattress should support your sleep and not ruin it. If you’re feeling uncomfortable every night, having difficulty sleeping, or waking up with body pain, these may be signs that it’s time to buy a new mattress. Click here now to see the best mattress recommendations if you’re suffering from chronic back pain.


2. Promote Good Form and Posture

People sleep in different sleeping positions and might not even be aware of it. By having not just a good mattress but also the right one, you can maintain or improve your form and posture. If you have a consistent sleeping position every night, you must have the right mattress that promotes proper form and posture.

For instance, side sleepers are more prone to back pain as their fetal sleeping position puts strain on the back and neck. It can also apply pressure to the arms and shoulders since it’ll be pressed onto the mattress, restricting blood flow. If you tend to sleep on your right side, this position can also add stress to your organs.

Thankfully, memory foam mattresses got side sleepers covered. The material’s responsiveness can maintain spine alignment and provide cushion to pressure points. However, if you opt for other mattress types that aren’t side sleeper-friendly, your joints and spine can be compromised. Thus, take your sleeping position into account when choosing a mattress.

3. Keep Your Mental and Emotional Health in Check

Having a bad mattress can indeed mess up your sleep. At first, this could only lead to sleepless nights, but sleeping every night on a bad mattress can eventually lead to sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep is known to be linked to various short- and long-term consequences, and it can take a heavy toll on your mental and emotional health.

Here are some of the most common effects of poor, inadequate sleep on your mental and emotional health:


Ø  Lack of sharpness and mindfulness.

Ø  Causes daytime grogginess and frequent yawning.

Ø  Promotes mood swings and irritability.

Ø  Exacerbates mental conditions, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Ø  Induces poor cognitive functioning and performance.


By sleeping on a good mattress, your chances of enjoying a sound sleep increase, and you’ll less likely experience these health consequences mentioned above. However, take note that a good bed won’t be enough to achieve the best sleep, which will lead you to the next point.


4. Develop an Inclination to Your Sleeping

Unfortunately, some people dislike sleeping due to many personal reasons, which can include a bad mattress. Also, some people are too focused on hustling at work, school, and other activities that they forget to sleep. With a good mattress, you might finally be back to square one with sleeping!


If you’re someone who doesn’t get fulfilled after a night’s sleep, your mattress may be the culprit. Also, curating an inviting sleeping environment can encourage you to sleep more.

Don’t forget to treat yourself to a perfect night’s sleep. Check out some tips to make your bedroom sleep-friendly:


Ø  Reserve your bed for sleep or intimate moments

Ø  Reduce noise and distractions in the surroundings

Ø  Cool the room down, ideally to 65 ℉ or 18.3 ℃

Ø  Keep all electronics away from reach

Ø  Minimize visual clutter

Ø  Use softer, warmer colors in your bedroom

5. Get the Most Out of Your Purchase


Mattress prices in the market today are no joke. Even the budget mattress options are quite difficult to save up for, especially if you’re shouldering more household and personal expenses.

Therefore, having a good mattress is a buy-it-for-life purchase. Since high-quality mattresses last for a couple of years, especially when it’s well-maintained, you can get the most value from your purchase.


Take a look at the average lifespan of mattress types:


Ø  Innerspring:5 to 6.5 years

Ø  Foam: 6 to 7 years

Ø  Latex:5 to 8.5 years

Ø  Hybrid:5 to 7.5 years

How to Choose a Mattress for Back Pain

There are myriad potential causes of back pain, but an unsupportive mattress is one factor that should not be underestimated. In people without back problems, proper support may prevent pain from arising, and in people who already have back issues, the right mattress may help with cushioning and comfort.

Choosing the best mattress for back pain means considering the nature of that pain alongside other mattress needs and preferences. Some back pain is short-term and comes on suddenly. This is known as acute back pain. Other times, the pain persists over a long period of time and is known as chronic back pain. Back problems can start out as acute, such as from an injury, and become chronic.

A person with acute back pain may need only temporary relief from their mattress. This may mean using extra pillows or adjusting their sleeping position. For chronic back pain, more significant steps may be needed, such as choosing a mattress that is firmer or softer. Finding the right levels of comfort as well as pressure relief can help keep the spine properly oriented during sleep.

The optimal mattress may also depend on where a person experiences back pain.


10 Reasons Why Sleeping on the Right Mattress Is Important to Your Health


One of the most important needs your body and mind have is getting restful sleep. Sleeping soundly throughout the night, without any interruptions, keeps you looking and feeling better.


    Weight Loss – If you are thinking about going on a diet, you might want to plan an earlier bedtime too. By sleeping on the right mattress, it will help keep your figure. Watching your weight can be as simple as getting a good night’s sleep. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that dieters who were well rested lost more fat, 56% of their weight loss, than those who were sleep deprived, who lost more muscle mass.


    Looking Beautiful – Look in the mirror after you wake up from a good nights rest and the reflection will display a healthier more attractive face. Dark circles and bags under your eyes can be avoided with 8 hours of peaceful undisturbed sleep.


    Happiness – Sleeping throughout the night without tossing and turning gives the mind the time and ability to rejuvenate. A good nights rest not only improves your physical appearance, it affects your attitude and mood. A good night’s sleep can really help a moody person decrease their anxiety. You get more emotional stability with good sleep. 


    Improve your Health – Research indicates that people who get less sleep, six or fewer hours a night, have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins than those who get more. Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and premature aging.


    Heighten Memory – The next day, superior mental awareness, memory and concentration is gained with a restful night of sleep. During sleep you strengthen memories or “practice” skills learned while you were awake (it’s a process called consolidation. In addition to consolidating memories, or making them stronger, your brain appears to reorganize and restructure them, which may result in more creativity as well.


    Living Longer – When it comes to our health stress and sleep are nearly one and the same and both can affect cardiovascular health. Sleep can reduce levels of stress and will give a person better control of their blood pressure. There are an overwhelming number of studies that show that people who routinely sleep for fewer than six hours a night have a higher risk of dying sooner than people of a similar age who sleep for seven or eight hours a night.


    Avoid Accidents – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2009 that being tired accounted for the highest number of fatal single-car run-off-the-road crashes due to the driver’s performance, even more than alcohol!


    Be A Winner –A Stanford University study found that college football players who tried to sleep at least 10 hours a night for seven to eight weeks improved their average sprint time and had less daytime fatigue and more stamina. Similarly, five swimmers were monitored as part of a study in 2008, at the end of the study the athletes could swim faster and react more quickly.


    Increased Memory – There is no longer any doubt, sleep improves the gelling or consolidation of memory. During deep sleep the brain goes through our impressions of the day in a process vital to memory formation This process sorts, files and organizes the memories of the day. We’ve all heard of sleeping on a problem, in the hope that come morning the solution will be clear. Well scientists have found that when you do this your brain still looks for a solution, even when you’re asleep. Even if you don’t wake up with an answer, a good night’s sleep will equip your brain to assess the problem afresh.


    Less Likely to Get ill – Studies show that people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick. Researchers paid healthy adults $800 to have cold viruses sprayed up their noses, then wait five days in a hotel to see if they got sick. Habitual eight-hour sleepers were much less likely to get sick than those who slept less than seven hours or slept fitfully.

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